Category Archives: Friday Focus

On the wrong foot….-D.M. Escalante-

I hope this post finds you doing well.  How was your Holiday?  Were you able to enjoy it?  As the new year begins, I wanted to wish everyone a prosperous new year. I even sent out a post. However, only the headline was published. Oh man?

I started the year off on the wrong foot.


How could I have allowed this? Am I the only one that started off the new year incorrectly?  Is there such a thing as “blog post-forgiveness?” sorry for that.

What will this year hold for us?  This is the year for growing.

I hope to grow as a blogger.  I believe this is the year where I will be able to connect more with the blog.

One thing I do know, we are in it together.  You and me.

What are your goals?  Did you happen to eat that doughnut even though you said you weren’t?  Did you forget to pack the gym clothes for your “365-day” fitness challenge?  Whatever or wherever you may have missed the mark, I encourage you to get up and try again!

Last year, after taking some inventory I realized I am in the best years of my life and I have not met the benchmarks that I had set for myself.  Have you ever felt like that?

It is with this year that I will make a change.  I will move forward.  It will take lots of work meaning using faith.  I believe I am not the only one, let me know by leaving a comment on what your plan is for this year.

I wish you a most progressive new year.  I pray that you find blessings this year with every step you take.

Let’s get after it


Happy new year

2 Love, Honor, Cherish…. -Understand your bride – D.M. Escalante –

Let’s pretend that you and I have made this appointment to talk about marriage.  I trust that we could be sitting down for a cup of coffee or whatever. I know a chill place at town-center we can go to.

If I could add value to your marriage I would say the following verse right here, has helped me answer the “why” in my personal relationship with God. Read the rest of this entry